Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor
Keep scrolling to find more about our leadership structure & responsibilities.
We believe in the autonomy of the local church — each church is to be led by an
eldership team with a lead elder (Pastor) the first among equals (Acts 14:27; 20:17; 1 Tim.
3:1-3; Titus 1:5-11). Biblically, the church is not to function autocratically nor as a
democracy, but rather it is to be led by God-appointed elders who spiritually govern and
guide the church with the Word of God. The elders, however, do not lead the church in
complete isolation but are supported by appointed deacons and the members of the
church. The deacons are specifically chosen to serve in key areas of practical ministry.
The members also fulfil an important function in the church by using their gifts to serve and
edify the body.
Together they (elders, deacons and members) are called by God to sacrificially serve and
support the vision of the church. When it comes to major decision making that affects the
direction or doctrine of the church, the eldership are encouraged to seek the wisdom and
confirmation that comes from within the congregation (i.e. Members have a voice not a
The primary role of the Elders (Pastors) is to provide leadership in the following 3 areas of church life: Doctrine, Direction, and Discipline
The pastor’s first responsibility is to preach and teach the Word of God (2 Tim 4:2). A shepherd simply cannot be faithful to his task if he doesn’t feed the sheep. Programs and personalities are dispensable but without good food, sheep die. The pastor is called by God to labour in the Word and in prayer, so that the church may be equipped and established in their faith. (1 Tim 3:2, Acts 6:2-4)
In addition to being fed a healthy diet, sheep need to be led (Ps. 23). Pastors are to provide leadership in word and in deed – by communicating vision and by setting the example so that the congregation can joyfully follow (1 Pet 5:1-5). In doing this, the goal of pastoral ministry is to serve in a way that always points people to dependence on Jesus.
A faithful shepherd is also always on the watch against predators who seek to harm the
sheep (Jn.10:12-15). Most of these dangers will come from outside the church, in the
form of ‘teachers’ who twist the truth (Acts 20:28-31). However, there may be those
inside the church who promote unbiblical doctrines and ungodly lifestyles.
Therefore, in order to protect the church against these errors, the elders (and the congregation if necessary) may need to wisely and lovingly persuade, rebuke, correct and if necessary apply church discipline to the offender or offensive situation, all in an effort to bring about repentance and restoration. (Mat. 18:15-17, 2 Thes. 3:6-15, Tit. 3:9-11). (E.g. suspend membership, prohibit communion, restrict fellowship, and insist on accountability)
559 Walkers Rd, George Town,
Cayman Islands